The Spectropolitics of the Swedish People’s Home: Tracing the ‘no longer’ and the ‘not yet’ in the Swedish 2022 Election Campaign

Published: Dec 30, 2024
spectropolitics punitive populism Swedish election campaign gang criminality Swedish People's Home hauntology safety nostalgia welfare state racialized groups exclusion
Katarina Giritli-Nygren
Sara Nyhlén
Sara Skott

Drawing on Jacques Derrida’s concept of hauntology, this article develops a hauntological framework to trace the no longer and the not yet in the uprising of punitive populism in the Swedish electoral campaign of 2022. Our analysis is based on speeches made by party leaders from the three largest parties in Sweden and their election manifestos. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how the spectropolitics of the ‘Swedish People’s Home’ (Sv. Folkhemmet) with its inherent contradictions is haunting our past as well as our future. Resting on a critical analytical tradition, we argue that election campaigns are important to analyse due to their potential power to shape the wider public understanding. Through the spectre of safety and the spectralisation of individuals engaged in ‘gang criminality,’ the Swedish People’s Home assumes a spectralising power in politics, both left and right, that produces a punitive populism calling for the persecution and ‘exorcism’ of certain racialised groups. The shadowy downsides of the dream of welfare in Sweden is haunting; its hidden violence emerges in the politics of punitive populism.

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Author Biographies
Katarina Giritli-Nygren, Mid Sweden University

Katarina Giritli-Nygren is a Professor of Sociology at Mid Sweden University. She is interested in the sociology of gender, intersectional analysis, and critical theory. Her research addresses different forms of governance relationships with a general focus on social transformation and a particular focus on the spatial and temporal aspects of intersectional disparities.

Sara Nyhlén, Mid Sweden University

Sara Nyhlén is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and the head of the Forum for Gender Studies at Mid Sweden University. She is also Associate Professor in political science. Her research focuses on critical policy analysis in different empirical areas with a particular interest in intersectionality, power and policy as well as in methodological development in the field of sociology and political science.

Sara Skott, Mid Sweden University

Sara Skott is Associate Professor in Criminology at Mid Sweden University, Sweden. Her research concerns different types and aspects of violence, including exploring violence through the lenses of Gothic and Ghost criminology. Her research also concerns the social construction and performative aspects of violence, including mediated constructions of violence. Some of her recent work has appeared in Critical Criminology and in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

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