No. 16 (2024): Derrida à l'oeuvre: "Doing Theory" Against Inequalities

Published: 2024-12-30
General Editors: Mina Karavanta and Mata Dimakopoulou
Special Issue Editors: Sara Nyhlén and Katarina Giritli-Nygren
Cover Image: up in smoke by Elektra Stampoulou
The Spectropolitics of the Swedish People’s Home: Tracing the ‘no longer’ and the ‘not yet’ in the Swedish 2022 Election Campaign
Katarina Giritli-Nygren, Sara Nyhlén, Sara Skott
Dealing with Double Binds. Letters on Derrida’s Geschlecht III, Swedishness and the Animal Rationale
Anders E. Johansson, Samuel Edquist, Katarina Giritli-Nygren, Sara Nyhlén, Emelie Pilflod-Larsson
The Animal in Closed-loop Food Innovations: Mythologization, Technology and Relations
Emelie Pilflod-Larsson