A Note on the history of Hellenistic Megara: Τhe date of the Antigonid garrison in Aegosthena

This paper presents a proposal for the date of the Antigonid military presence in Aegosthena near Megara, which is known only by a Megarian honorary decree for Boiotian Zoilos, the royal commander of the garrison (IG VII 1). The named king Demetrios in the inscription could be Poliorketes (306-284 BC) or his grandson, Demetrios II (239-229 BC). All the available evidences (philological, prosopographical, letters a.o.) are examined and the conclusion is that a date around 295-287 BC is the more preferable.
Article Details
- How to Cite
Chrysafis, C. (2019). A Note on the history of Hellenistic Megara: Τhe date of the Antigonid garrison in Aegosthena. Tekmeria, 14, 181–202. https://doi.org/10.12681/tekmeria.11953
- Issue
- Vol. 14: (2017-2018)
- Section
- Articles

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