Thessalonicensia. Notes on IG X 2.1s (2)

The present paper constitutes an introduction to the second volume of the supplement to Inscriptiones GraecaeX 2.1, which has just been published. After a brief overview of the history of the epigraphic corpus of Thessaloniki, a description of the structure and content of the new volume is offered, with a focus on the new evidence regarding the provenance of the monuments. In the second part of the paper, each author presents a selection of the new readings and interpretations which the complete revision of Ch. Edson’s edition has provided.
Article Details
- How to Cite
Martín González, E., & Hallof, K. (2020). Thessalonicensia. Notes on IG X 2.1s (2). Tekmeria, 15, 227–248.
- Issue
- Vol. 15: (2019-2020)
- Section
- Articles

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