«Όταν έφυγαν τα αγάλματα» Εκπαιδευτικό Ντοκιμαντέρ

Published: Apr 20, 2023
Historical documentary World War II preservation protection of ancient monuments resistance
Αικατερίνη Ντούρου
Θρασύβουλος Οικονομάκης
Λιονέλα Παπαγεωργίου
Αναστασία Στραβαρίδου
Δέσποινα-Αικατερίνη Φουντέα
Ευθυμία Χασταμουρατίδου
Αλιβίζος (Λοΐζος) Σοφός

The educational film "When the statues departed", has been the fruit of our work after reading the homonymous book of Angeliki Darlasi, which deals with the effort of the people of the Archaeological Museum to protect antiquities from the darkness of Nazism. The theme of our educational film will therefore be the efforts to preserve Greek culture at a time of real danger both for human lives and for their spirit, as well as how the rescue of the statues has functioned on its own as a form of resistance. The film lasts a total of 5.10 minutes. During the film, a little boy appears who comes into an initial contact with the issue of the rescue of the statues through his involvement with the book. Then, the highlights from the inside of the museum are presented that are accompanied by Electra's audio narration, who has the role of the narrator. Then follow parts of the interview we took from Angeliki Darlasi who describes the process of the concealment but above all the historical value of this initiative. By and large, students will familiarize themselves with the period under consideration, with the dangers that existed but also depicting  clearly the dimension of the rescue of the statues as a form of resistance against Nazism.

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