
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1.     Guidelines of manuscript submission for review and publication
  • The submission of the manuscript is accomplished through the journal’s electronic system, requiring the registration of at least one of the authors.
  • This Journal publishes articles in Greek.
  • Articles should be original and not have been published in other electronic or printed medium.
  • Manuscripts should have a length ranging between 5.000 and 10.000 words, including main text, references, tables, figures etc. The file submitted for review should follow the template guidelines (see here). 
  • Tables, graphs, figures etc. and their captions are placed in the text. In-text citations and references must follow the guidelines of the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association - APA (7th edition).
  • In order to ensure blind peer review, author(s) names should not appear in the text, nor should any other information/indication making it possible for the reviewers to reveal the identity of the author(s). In-text citations should be in the form e.g. (Author1, 2015) and will be added to the reference section, only after the review process has ended.


2.     Format of the manuscripts submitted for review

Manuscripts submitted for review, should be composed in accordance with the format guidelines listed below.

       Α.     First page (title page): 
  • title in Greek & English (Calibri, size 14, centered)
  • abstract in Greek & English (100-200 words, Calibri, size 12, justified). Running text, no paragraphs, no citations.
  • Keywords: 3-5 keywords
       Β.     Main text should include the following numbered sections (this applies to Empirical Research papers and/or Literature Review papers): 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 3. Results 4. Conclusions 5. References.

Moreover, main text should comply with the following guidelines:

  • Section Titles: Calibri, size 12, bold, lower case. In case of subsection titles, use: Calibri, 12pt, Italicized, lower case.
  • Main text: Calibri, size 12pt. justified. There should be a blank line between the section and subsection titles, before and after the text. Paragraphs should not be indented.
  • Captions of tables, figures, diagrams etc.: Calibri, size 11, centered, before the table, the figure, diagram etc. There should be a blank line before and after each caption. The main text of the table should also be Calibri, size 11. The numbering of of tables, figures, diagrams etc. should be in bold letters.
       C.     References according to APA, 7th Edition style

3.     Registration and manuscript submission

The Journal of Research in Science and Technology Education provides detailed guidelines for the registration of the authors and the submission of manuscripts. Please visit the relevant field.

4.     Manuscript revision and acceptance

The Editorial Board in collaboration and in accordance with the reviewers’ comments, decides on the acceptance or rejection of the submitted manuscript. In the case of accepted manuscripts, minor or extensive amendments or revisions might be requested, in order to be published. The author(s) have a maximum of two months period to complete the suggested revisions. Revised manuscripts are subjected to a second round of review by the same reviewers, to confirm materialization of the requested revisions. In case of conflict between the initial reviews, the manuscript will be also sent to a third reviewer.

Accepted manuscripts will be published in the form of PDF files at the journal’s webpage.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.