Adult Education in Cyprus: Historical Review and Evolution

Published: Jan 10, 2025
Cyprus Adult Education Night Institutes State Institutes of Further Education Cyprus State Archives
Styliana Pileidi Konizou

This article aims to illustrate the history and evolution of Adult Education. It is divided into three main historical phases, in which the evolutionary educational processes that emerged in each phase are analyzed. Each phase is linked with historical documents related to the educational revolution during the English Occupation (1950-1960), Independence (1960-1974), and Turkish Occupation (1974-to date). The primary research data are then related to the history of Cyprus literature. This research data includes material from the Cyprus State Archive. The historical review reveals a clear correlation between historical experiences and educational changes regarding how these changes have affected and continue to affect adults in Cyprus. This includes the contemporary challenges that those responsible for developing Adult Education on the island have to face.

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