
Checkliste für Beitragseinreichungen

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  • This article does not violate in any way the copyrights of third parties. 

  • I have read and accept the journal’s Copyright Policy.
  • I have read the Author Guidelines and accept the regulations of the journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

Richtlinien für Autor/innen

Research articles under submission are assessed by conduct of parallel “double-blind” evaluation, i.e. are anonymously sent (without mentioning the writers’ specifics) by the journal’s Editorial Board to two members of peer review panel with specialization to the scientific thematic areas of the journal.

Publication Frequency

The journal is being published twice a year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.




Author Guidelines

  • Field of interest

Articles should focus on the field of Adult Education. As relevant to the field of the journal might be considered critical issues within the field of Adult Education that indicatively involve:

-        Research, good practices and proposals on crucial issues regarding transformative processes and critical approaches in education, society, governance, policies and other areas of interest, related to the field of Adult Education.

-        Redefinition or reassessment of problematic perspectives, theoretical views, or social phenomena.

-        Exploration of multiple, different, alternative, ambivalent, controversial perspectives.

-        Challenge of taken-for-granted or unjustified assumptions and  practices.

-        Analysis of the power dynamics of a situation.

-        Exploration of disregarded or undermined, however interesting and challenging perspectives.

  • Submission

Τhe journal is published twice a year. It is bilingual and includes articles in Greek and English. Manuscripts must be written in a language that is understandable even to readers outside the author's field of specialization.

Articles that have not been published before and are not under review at another scientific journal are accepted for publication. However, articles that have been included in Conference Proceedings, or articles that have been translated from another language may be published, and this information needs to be noted by the author(s).

Please note that manuscripts not conforming to the journal’s guidelines will not enter the review process.

Manuscripts can be submitted to the site of the journal.

  • Publication Fees

No fees for authoring and publication are required.

  • Corresponding author

In case of more than one author, the corresponding author is the person who takes the responsibility for communication with the journal during the manuscript submission, peer review and publication process, and ensures all the journal’s administrative requirements. He/She should be available to respond and cooperate with the Editors for data or additional information about the paper before or after publication.

  • Research ethics/ Permissions

Some papers submitted may provide the relevant Ethics Committee or Institutional Review Board provided (or waived) approval. In that case, please ensure that you have provided the full name and institution of the review committee, in addition to the approval number.

For research articles, authors are required to state in the methods section whether participants provided informed consent and whether the consent was written or verbal.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.

  • Plagiarism

The journal pays special attention to issues of copyright infringement or plagiarism, in order to protect the rights of authors. Submitted articles may be checked with duplication-checking software. If an article, for example, is found to have plagiarized work of others’ or has included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement, or if the authorship of the article is contested, the journal reserves the right to take appropriate action.

  • Article review process

The articles are received by the Review Editor, who in collaboration with the Editors and the Consulting Editor decides if the manuscript is within the journal’s area of interest, if it follows the necessary guidelines and fulfills a quality level. After that initial stage, the manuscript receives a code number, and with the responsibility of the Editors, is sent for double-blind peer review. For this reason, the author(s) should have removed from the submitted article self-references both in the text and in the references at the end of the article and refer to them as follows: Author/s, date of publication. When the author(s) receive(s) the review, they proceed, within a reasonable period of time, to the corrections that may have been suggested.

Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of the Adult Education Critical Issues journal are reviewed.

  • Article types

Research Articles

Research articles should present the results of an original research study. These manuscripts should describe how the research project was conducted and provide a thorough analysis of the results. Systematic reviews may be submitted as research articles.


A review article provides an overview of the published literature in a particular topic concerning Adult Education.

Book reviews

A book review article provides a critical presentation of a published book of significant importance in the area of Adult Education.

Perspectives, Reflections, Theoretical Issues

An author can also present, highlight and share theoretical issues, aspects, perspectives, ideas, opinions, reflections within the field of Adult Education.

  • Formatting

 Authors should use the following formatting:


Schutz personenbezogener Daten

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.