2nd International Symposium on Politics of Technologies in the Digital Age - University of Ioannina


Over the last few decades we have witnessed an unprecedented transmutation of the public sphere, primarily induced by the so-called digital revolution. In the contemporary theoretical discourse regarding the relationship between the digital technologies and the public sphere, one can pin down roughly four basic domains where the gradual transition from the analogue to the digital takes place: public
communication, opinion-shaping, political praxis and the intertwining of “platform capitalism” with behavioral manipulation.

The objective of the conference is to adopt an interdisciplinary approach encouraging critical analyses that explore the epistemological, ethical, sociopolitical, and/or sociological, socio-economic, and psychological dimensions of the digital transformation of the political public sphere. We invite high-quality contributions addressing, but not limited to, the following topics of inquiry:

  • Digital media and the fragmentation of the political public sphere
  • Differences between traditional and digital media and the respective
    constitutions of the political public sphere
  • The digital transformation of the public sphere and its impact on deliberative
  • Fake news and the rise of “post-truth democracy” in the context of the digital
  • The challenge posed by the “infotainment culture” to the political public
  • The restructuring of political discourses and the rise of new forms of pluralism
    in the digital sphere
  • The co-emergence of “platformization” and “authorization” of the political
    public sphere through its digitization
  • New ways of subjectification and action made possible by the digitization of
    public life 

Conference Language: English
Abstract submission (max. 300 words) and a short CV (max. 150 words) in one .doc file at: politicstechnology2023@gmail.com 

for more details, visit: https://politicsoftechnologies.org/call-for-papers/