Control of Corruption and foreign direct investment in eurozone countries

Published: Apr 22, 2024
FDI Corruption Control Eurozone Greece Ireland
Kerasia Kalkitsa
Paraskevi Lazaridou

Modern society is characterized by the globalization of economic relations which is achieved through international trade, the internationalization of production, the mobility of capital and the development of multinational enterprises. FDI is a development bridge in the process of globalization and plays an important role in the economic development of countries. This study focuses on the extent to which the political conditions prevailing in Eurozone countries affect its investment environment, more specifically how political and economic factors are linked to Foreign Direct Investments in the countries of the European Union. Then follows a case study of the countries of Greece–Ireland, as Ireland is the second country of the Europe, which just a few months after Greece, entered into memorandums and managed to return very quickly to normality by focusing on attracting foreign direct investment. The aim of this research is to analyze the correlation and the significant degree of correlation of the variables between them, applying the statistical method of factor analysis using the statistical program SPSS. For this analysis data was drawn from the World Bank, for the period 2011-2020 (a decade long) among the 27 countries of the European Union. In conclusion, the conclusions of the analysis are listed on the one hand, and on the other hand, the proposals for change in the development model of Greece for the systematic attraction of direct foreign investments with the ultimate goal of economic recovery.

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