Impact of the economic crisis and the coronavirus (covid-19) on businesses in Drama

Published: Apr 22, 2024
coronavirus (covid-19) crisis economy businesses Drama
Λάζαρος Μήτσου
Maria Gkoliou
The coronavirus pandemic (covid-19) is noticeable even today, after two years of its appearance, constituting an integral part of our everyday life. Greece, reaching the end of an extended period of crisis (2013-2019), mainly financial, seemed to show encouraging signs of recovery and return to years of economic and social normality. However, the appearance of coronavirus pandemic (covid-19) has completely changed the data in Greece and globally, bringing particularly significant consequences in many sectors. One of the sectors affected is undoubtedly that of health, but there are others, such as social-political cohesion and the economy, where the particular emphasis will be placed. It is, therefore, necessary to study, record, and analyze the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic from the point of view of the businesses that (sub)operated during the period in question, drawing on important and timely data for the country's economic sector. The study focuses on enterprises of all sectors of activity located in Drama, of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, and registered at the Chamber of Drama, where we collected our data. The data from the Chamber of Drama will be analyzed and correlated by sector of activity and by the time of operation of the companies. The aim of this research, on the one hand, is to understand the course of businesses in Drama not merely before and after the financial crisis, but also during the pandemic, and on the other hand, to reveal which sectors were most affected or, on the contrary, managed to cope with the conditions of the last decade (2011-2021).
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  • Empirical studies
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