Published: Jul 13, 2017
Modelling Dynamic Statistics Software Model Eliciting Activities Inferential Statistics Informal Statistical Inference
Έφη Παπαριστοδήμου (Efi Paparistodimou)
Μαρία Μελετίου - Μαυροθέρη (Maria Meletiou- Mavrotheri)
Ana Serrado Bayes

The transition from descriptive to inferential statistics is a known area of difficulties for students. This article shares the experiences from a teaching experiment in a graduate-level quantitative research methods course, which adopted a non-conventional approach to teaching statistics that put models and modelling at the core of the curriculum. Findings indicate that the informal approach to statistical inference adopted in the course, which focused on modelling and simulation using the dynamic statistics software Tinkerplots2 as an investigation tool, promoted powerful ways of thinking statistically, while at the same time also developing students’ appreciation for the practical value of statistics. The affordances offered by the technological tool for building data models and for experimenting with these models to make sense of the situation at hand, were instrumental in supporting student understanding of both informal and formal inferential statistics.

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