Published: Oct 8, 2018
mental calculations mental strategies elementary school
Ιωάννης Καραντζής (Ioannis Karantzis)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate primarily whether first grade and second grade students have acquired mental calculation capabilities needed in the process of over passing the first ten numbers and the type of strategies they use. At the same time, the study investigated whether there were any significant differences in ti: e performance of students in terms of preferred strategies. Data were collected from 98 first grade students and 58 second grade students from five randomly selected public elementary schools of the city of'Patras. The students participated in three experiments and were tested individually. Results showed that students in both grades employed recall strategies and construction strategies; more specifically, the choice of strategy was found to depend on the type of intermediate sums in the calculation process. In general the findings of the present study seem to confirm the results of earlier studies conducted in Greece or in other countries.

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Ιωάννης Καραντζής (Ioannis Karantzis), University of Patras
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