Published: Sep 17, 2019
Inquiry-Based Approach Mathematics Education Primary School Mathematics Curriculum Learning Theories Inquiry-Based Models Qualitative Content Analysis
Χρυσάνθη Σκουμπουρδή (Chrisanthi Skoumpourdi)
Γεωργία Βαϊτσίδη (Georgia Vaitsidi)
Taking into consideration the new trend, in mathematics education, to adopt an inquiry-based approach, in this paper we aim to investigate its characteristics in order to define it. Furthermore, we aim to identify inquiry-based approach’s dimensions, if any, through qualitative content analysis, in the primary school mathematics curriculum, in order to determine the degree of its adoption. The study found, that inquiry-based approach’s definition is influenced by theories that support learning through understanding. It was also found that, it involves innovative features, with the most important that knowledge is constructed cooperatively in a process like that followed by a researcher and in which scientific skills are cultivated and developed. Moreover, it was found that the inquiry-based approach was not adopted by the primary school mathematics curriculum.
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Χρυσάνθη Σκουμπουρδή (Chrisanthi Skoumpourdi), University of the Aegean
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