Published: Dec 5, 2019
Mathematical Literature Rational Numbers Misconceptions Attitudes
Δημήτρης Μαρής (Dimitris Maris)
Κωνσταντίνος Χρήστου (Konstantinos Christou)

Rational numbers are a cornerstone of mathematics and mathematics education. Mathematics education research has identified great difficulties understanding rational numbers and has recorded a variety of errors, misconceptions and negative attitudes towards them. In this study an attempt to use Mathematical literature as a mean to address certain difficulties, misunderstandings and attitudes with rational numbers. The first author has written a mathematical story named "Ταξίδι προς το Μηδέν (Traveling to zero)" approaching ordering and density of rational numbers in an alternative way. In order to test this story as an educational instrument, questionnaires were given to 6th graders from Greece, in pre/post test design and individual semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results showed that a mathematical story could help students address their misconceptions with rational numbers and also to improve their attitudes towards them.

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Author Biographies
Δημήτρης Μαρής (Dimitris Maris), University of Athens
Post Graduate Program od Mathematics Education
Κωνσταντίνος Χρήστου (Konstantinos Christou), University of Western Macedonia
Ass. Professor
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