Δημοσιευμένα: janv. 1, 2010
N. Zouros
Recently a new initiative on Geoparks was established in Europe in close synergy with UNESCO aiming at the protection, promotion and rational management of geological landscapes and significant geosites as well as the sustainable development of their hosting territories. Geoparks are broader territories which include a number of geosites linked in a network which recognize these features as keyelements for the development of geotourism through conservation and management. Greece is characterized by a complex geological setting and evolution and was subjected to a variety of geomorphological processes, resulting in a high level of geodiversity. As a result a large number of spectacular landscapes and outstanding or unique geosites are present in the country, and they are not properly managed and protected. The Lesvos Petrified Forest Geopark, the very first Greek Geopark, already counts one decade of successful operation. In order to protect and efficiently manage the petrified forest, the Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest was founded in 1994 as the management body of the Lesvos Petrified Forest Geopark. Next, a management plan for geological heritage protection as well as the sustainable development of the area was carried out linking the promotion of geosites, environmental education and the development of geotourism.
Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Κεντρικές και Θεματικές Ομιλίες
Τα δεδομένα λήψης δεν είναι ακόμη διαθέσιμα.
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Eagles, Paul F.J., McCool, Stephen F. and Haynes, Christopher D.A., 2002. Sustainable Tourism in Protected
Areas: Guidelines for Planning and Management. IUCN Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge,
UK. xv + 183pp.
EKBY, 2009. Protected areas in Greece. Available online at:
European Geoparks Network EGN Magazine. No 1-6. Available online at:
Eder W., Patzak M., 2004 – Geoparks - geological attractions: a tool for public education, recreation and
sustainable economic development. Episodes, 27/3, 162–164.
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IUCN, 1994. Guidelines for Protected Area Management Categories. CNPPA with the assistance of
WCMC. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. x + 261pp. Available online at:
Mc Keever P. and Zouros N., 2005. Geoparks: Celebrating earth heritage, sustaining local communities.
Episodes vol. 28, No 4, p. 274-278.
Mac Keever P., Zouros N., Patzak M., 2009. Global Network of National Geoparks. World Heritage
No 52, 54.
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XLIII, No 1 – 167
Theodossiou-Drandaki I., Nakov R., Wimbledon W.A.P., Serjani A., Neziraj A., Hallaci H., Sijaric G., Begovic
P., Petrussenko Sv., Tchoumatchenco Pl., Todorov T., Zagorchev I., Antonov M., Sinnyovski
D., Diakantoni A., Fassoulas Ch., Fermeli G., Galanakis D., Koutsouveli A., Livaditi A., Papadopoulou
K., Paschos P., Rassiou A., Skarpelis N., Zouros N., Grigorescu D., Andrasanu Al., Hlad Br.,
Herlec U., Kazanci N., Saroglu F., Dogan A., Inaner H., Dimitrijevic M., Gavrilovic D., Krstic B., Mijovic
D. , 2003 – IUGS Geosites project progress - a first attempt at a common framework list for
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UNESCO, 2006 – Guidelines and Criteria for National Geoparks seeking UNESCO’s assistance to join
the Global Geoparks Network, Paris, January 2006. Internal document, 10 p.
Velitzelos, E., D. Mountrakis, N. Zouros, N. Soulakellis, 2003. Atlas of the geological monuments of the
Aegean. Ministry of the Aegean, Adam editions, Athens p.352.
Zouros N., 2004. The European Geoparks Network. Geological heritage protection and local development.
Episodes, 27/3, 165–171.
Zouros N., 2005. Assessment, protection and promotion of geomorphological and geological sites in the
Aegean area, Greece. Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement, no 3, 227-234.
Zouros N., 2007. Geomorphosite assessment and management in protected areas of Greece. Case study
of the Lesvos island coastal geomorphosites. Geographica Helvetica, Jg.62, Heft 3/2007, 169-180.
Zouros N. Martini G. Frey M.L., 2003. Proceedings of the 2nd European Geoparks Network Meeting,
Lesvos 3-7 October 2001, p. 184.
Zouros, N., N. Soulakellis, D. Mountrakis, E, Velitzelos, 2004. Atlas of the geological monuments of the
Aegean. Contribution to the protection and promotion of geological heritage in Greece. 32nd International
Geological Congress, 20-30 August 2004, Florence, Abstracts, p. 224.
Zouros N. and McKeever P., 2009. European Geopark Network and Geotourism. The 3rd International
Symposium on the Development within Geoparks. Geo-heritage Protection and Cooperation. Aug. 22-
, 2009.Tai’an City, Shandong Province, China.
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