Developing an interactive application embodied in the geosciences educational procedure

P. Tsangaratos
M. Perraki
I. Ilia
The aim of this study is to develop a Geovisual Mineralogical Cognitive Tool (GeMiCo Tool), a digital application that utilizes techniques from the domain of Information and Communication Technology. The application is part of the educational tools used at the Mineralogical Museum of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens and concerns students of Higher, Primary and Secondary Education. The learning tool developed here embodies Google Earth API (Application Programming Interface), allowing users to interactively display and investigate geological and mineralogical related data. By that, users are able to select and present thematic layers of information related to the geo-exhibits, to create queries and searches and to navigate in 3D environment. The application runs on a large format multi-touch interactive display in the Mineralogical Museum of NTUA that attracts audiences and engages them in interactive collaborative tasks.
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  • Rubrique
  • Geosciences in Education and Geosites
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