Covid-19 has brought back the necessity of the welfare state: The Greek case

Stylianos-Ioannis Tzagkarakis
Ilias Pappas
Dimitrios Kritas
In Europe, despite systemic, functional and structural differences, the welfare state has been a key component of the state after World War II. In recent decades, the former has been accused for inflating government spending and turning people into passive recipients of benefits and services. For this reason, and for several more, such as globalization, the transforming nature of employment and the changing family patterns, the welfare state has undergone the necessary reforms in order to combine the effectiveness and efficiency of its services and benefits. The outbreak of 2009 economic crisis has created tremendous problems to the welfare state, especially in the hardest hit countries, such as Greece. Although these structural problems and inefficiencies existed, the Greek state in general and the National Health System (NHS) in particular have handled the coronavirus successfully, making the country an example for the others but also stressing the necessity to consolidate the welfare state and specifically the NHS. This paper aims to analyze the way the Greek state handled the coronavirus crisis while underlie the importance of the welfare state especially in times of crisis and the challenges that coronavirus has created.
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Biografie autore
Stylianos-Ioannis Tzagkarakis, University of Crete
Dr. Stylianos Ioannis Tzagkarakis is Teaching Fellow on Comparative Public Policy and Postdoctoral Researcher (with scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation-IKY) at the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete, Greece. He is Field Manager of the Centre for Human Rights (KEADIK) of the University of Crete, Deputy Director of the Scientific Council of the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc) and Member of the Steering Committee of the ECPR Political Culture Research Network.
Ilias Pappas, University of Crete

Ilias Pappas is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete, Greece. He is also a researcher of Centre for European Policy and Regional Development (CEPRED) of the same Department. He holds MSc on European and International Studies from the Department of Political Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and BA on Political Science from the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete.

Dimitrios Kritas, University of Crete & University of the Aegean

Dimitrios Kritas is a PhD Candidate, Field Manager of the Public Policy and Administration Research Laboratory, University of Crete – Vice President of the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc).

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