The Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society (J Hellenic Vet Med Soc) is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles in all aspects of veterinary science and related disciplines. It is published by the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society and is indexed in the Web of Science and in Scopus.
2022-2023 Impact Factor: 0.516
Current Issue
Vol. 75 No. 4 (2024)
Case Report
Two anaesthetic protocols and perioperative monitoring in a dog with asymptomatic right bundle branch block.
ES Flouraki, C Koutinas, T Anagnostou, I Savvas, G Kazakos
The Use of Computed Tomography… The Use of Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis and Treatment Planning of Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis in Two Cats
Ü Yavuz, K Yener, F Doğan, MS Karadağ, K Dikmen, MS Hurma, A Dusak, A Hayat
Amphophilic-vacuolar renal tubule adenoma in a 10-week-old female Sprague– Dawley rat
Y-H Lee, T-W Kim, T-K Kim, H-J Park, M-J Lee, S Park, S Im, Y-S Kim
Myocardial Epithelial Inclusions in a Bovine Fetus
Y Eroksuz, B Karabulut, C Akdeniz Incili, E Kara, E Cankaya, H Eroksuz
Research Articles
A study investigating the relationship between milk urea nitrogen and the reproductive performance of Holstein cows
K Sadeghi, M Ganjkhanlou, A Fekri, V Palangi
Effect of fermented feed on the growth performance, health condition and immune response of white leg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei
MN Awad, MM Khalafalla, RH Khalil, BH Abdella, RA Mohamed
Serum ascorbic acid and calcidiol status in dogs with graded periodontitis
R Azargoun, S Asri-Rezaei
The Role of Camel and Donkey Milk in Enhancing Quality Properties and In vitro Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activity of Strained Yogurt
E Akan, F Yildiz Akgül, AD Karaman, Ö Kınık, S Öğüt, M Çelebi
Usability of Gazelle Form Beech Tree (Fagus Orientalis L.) leaves as an alternative roughage source in dairy cattle: using in vitro gas production method
A (Adem) Kaya , A (Ali) Kaya , H Kaya , M Macit , V Palangi
Comparative Analysis of Growth Function Models for Merino Crossbred Sheep in West Java, Indonesia
WPB Putra, ET Margawati, HW Raadsma, TL Tyasi, C Tırınk
Serodiagnosis of toxocariasis by ELISA Test in handlers of dogs and cats in Karbala city, Iraq
BAF AL.Daamy, MJA Al-khaled
Effects of guanidinoacetic acid on antioxidant status, inflammation and growth performance of broilers under cool temperature and excessive salt-induced ascites
GAA and ascites
Mokhtar Fathi, Shahryar Saeedyan, Hemin Nuraddin Mohammed , Kyanosh Zarrin Kavyani, Vahid Rezaee
Effects on beef microstructure using fractal dimension and ANN modelling
S Lakehal, B Lakehal, H Chadi, O Bennoune, A Ayachi
Effect of Moringa oliefera leaves on feed intake, digestibility, milk production and composition in Friesian cows
AM Abu El-Hamd, SA Mohmoud, NB Elgaml , GS El-Esawy, N Eweedah, MS Sayah, R Dawood
Efficacy of Dietary Mycotoxins Adsorbents to Toxic Effects of Zearalenone and Fumonisin in Weaned Piglets
N Puvača, S Roljević Nikolić2, I Radojičić, V Bursić, G Avantaggiato, V Tufarelli, L Pinotti, I Brkić
Epidemiology of Q fever in milk by using nested-PCR targeting the repetitive elements IS1111 and COM1 genes in Coxiella burnetii in Iran
A Ownagh, K Mokarizadeh, P Khademi
Association between colostrum quality, passive transfer of colostral immunoglobulin, and postnatal growth in neonatal calves
A García-Mendoza, DX Vega-Manríquez, V Cuevas-Reyes, M Flores-Najera, FJ Almendarez-Navarro, E Félix Santiago, JM Vázquez-García, G Ballesteros-Rodea, R Sims, M Mellado, CA Rosales-Nieto
The effect of green tea leaf on broiler’s performance, blood profiles, and immunity
NH Qui, NT Linh, NTA Thu
A myocutaneous flap variation for management of distal hindlimb wounds in the cat
E Dermisiadou, I Panopoulos, D Psalla, S Georgiou, A Sideri, A Galatos, E Flouraki, V Tsioli
the Effect of propolis supplementation on productive performance and immunity response of suckling Friesian calves
HM Gaafar, RA Mesbah, ASh Shams, MM El-Nahrawy
Influence of Mycostop Mycotoxin Adsorbents on Production, Oxidative Stress, and Economic Cost of Laying Hens Intoxicated with T-2 Toxin
N Puvača, T Shtylla Kika, I Brkić, D Ljubojević Pelić, V Tufarelli, N Nikolova, B Kostić, I Radojičić, S Brkanlić, V Bursić
Feeding a blend of thymol and carvacrol to coccidiosis challenged broilers: effect on performance and gut health
AD Niknia, R Vakili, V Palangi
Yoghurt Acid Whey Marination - The Case of Lamb and Beef Meat
A Karageorgou, G Orfanou, I Petrou, M Goliomytis, G Theodorou, I Politis, P Simitzis
Investigation of the relationship between apelin hormone response and some physiological parameters in enzootic bovine leukosis virus infected cattle
A Sait, B Bayraktar, S Korkmaz, M Genç, S Bayraktar, GC Kotan, Ş Aydemir, Ç Takma, AS Bülbül, V Aksakal, E Tekce, GB Böyük Özcan, H Kaya, M Odabaşı
A prospective evaluation of growth performance, health and welfare status in feedlot fattened dairy lambs under different feeding regimes
E Tsimpouri, M Lagonikou, AI Kalogianni, AI Gelasakis
Beneficial effects of metformin on high fructose-induced ovarian cycle abnormalities and antioxidant activity
Effects of metformin on female rats
MA Demirel, E Sumlu, MO Uludağ, F Akar
Cardiac effusion and serum biochemical abnormalities of Salmonella gallinarum infection in point of lay pullets
SC Okafor, JI Ihedioha, WS Ezema
Varying Feeding Parameters of a Plant Based Feed Affect Growth and Blood Chemistry of Catla catla Fingerlings
S Aman, M Ashraf, R Ullah, JI Qazi, I Aman
Haematological and biochemical parameters of Podolian cattle breed cows
V Mladenović, V Magaš, I Pavlovic, N Memiši, N Panousis , E Kalaitzakis , N Zdravkovic
Review Articles
Important aspects on beef-cross-dairy breeding related to reproduction and the traits of calves
beef x dairy crossbreeding
S.A. Tsiligianni, C Ligda, E. Souglis, Z Kazlari, E. Krystallidou, Th Tsiligianni
Utilisation of genes and SNPs in selective breeding of small ruminants for anoestrus period reduction
D Antonopoulou, I Giantsis, M Avdi