Vol. 75 No. 3 (2024)

Published: 2024-10-21

Combining single nucleotide polymorphisms and gene expression of LEP, FABP4, STAT5A and DGAT1 genes for improvement of body weight in Holstein calves

RM Mostafa, RM Elgamal, NH Khadra, NG Helal, NM Khedr, GA El-Sherbeny, FA Safhi, SA Sakr, AI Ateya

Effects of dietary fermented mealworm larvae and stocking density on performance, blood stress indicator and intestine parameters of broilers

Ş Sarica, M Yavuz, ER Sanli, A Kati, S Altuntas, MS Alatas, M Ekici, S Yazarel, AT Keskintas

Vaginal cytology during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy of ewes

M Haq’qi Qobadi, M Goli, T Mohammadi, H Cheraghi

The effect of Vitamin C in the therapy of haemolactia in dairy cows

M Ninković, S Arsić, J Žutić, J Bojkovski, N Zdravković, N Panousis

Studying enterococci isolated from artisanal feta produced with mountain and low land milk

E Psomas, I Sakaridis, E Boukouvala, E Papatsaroucha, ED Apostolidi, T Skarlatoudi, LV Ekateriniadou, Georgios Samouris

Prevalence of Leishmania infantum in felines from Heraklion region, Crete

A Smyrli, S Sotiraki, P Ligda, A Ligdas, I Restivakis, V Chalkiadaki, K Venetaki, N Filos, M Dalampeki, G Theodosiadis, M Daskalakis, V Cozma

Oxidative stress markers in canine parvovirus infection

A Khoshvaghti, Ν Baziyari, M Dehghani, F Vaziri

Growth performance, carcass characteristics, fatty acid composition, blood parameters, and gut morphology of Italian quails fed diets containing chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.)

Ö Karadağoğlu, I Ahmed, T Şahin, M Ölmez, B Özsoy, İ Şerbetçi, G Karadağoğlu, EK Sarı, M Öğün, R Riaz

Detection of viral infectious agents causing calf diarrhea on dairy farms in Serbia

V Milicevic, B Kureljušić, D Glišić, L Veljović, J Maletić, N Jezdimirović, M Maletić

Ten-year comparison of the efficiency of legal regulations of foodborne pathogens in broilers in Türkiye

SK Buyukunal, K Muratoglu, F Yilmaz Eker, M Gjoni Gundemir, S Topcuoglu, A Koluman

Evaluation of the use of L-carnosine in short-term storage of ram semen with spermatological and flow-cytometric analyzes

İH Güngör, S Gür, RH Koca, A Çakır Cihangiroğlu, E Güler Ekmen, TC Acısu, N Badıllı, Ş Özer Kaya, A Yüce, M Sönmez, G Türk

Molecular detection of Potential Novel Mansonella species (Filarioidea: Onchocercidae) in equine and Culicoides enderleini from Africa

R Sadeddine, M Sambou, B Davoust, S Righi, K Daghri, A Benakhla, P Parola, O Mediannikov

Typology of Mixed Sheep and Goat Production System in the Regional Unit of Larissa, Greece

I Kaimakamis, V Dotas, D Gourdouvelis, L Chatzizisis, M Koidou