Vol. 75 No 3 (2024)

Publiée: 2024-10-21

Prevalence of Leishmania infantum in felines from Heraklion region, Crete

A Smyrli, S Sotiraki, P Ligda, A Ligdas, I Restivakis, V Chalkiadaki, K Venetaki, N Filos, M Dalampeki, G Theodosiadis, M Daskalakis, V Cozma

Oxidative stress markers in canine parvovirus infection

A Khoshvaghti, Ν Baziyari, M Dehghani, F Vaziri

Detection of viral infectious agents causing calf diarrhea on dairy farms in Serbia

V Milicevic, B Kureljušić, D Glišić, L Veljović, J Maletić, N Jezdimirović, M Maletić

Ten-year comparison of the efficiency of legal regulations of foodborne pathogens in broilers in Türkiye

SK Buyukunal, K Muratoglu, F Yilmaz Eker, M Gjoni Gundemir, S Topcuoglu, A Koluman

Evaluation of the use of L-carnosine in short-term storage of ram semen with spermatological and flow-cytometric analyzes

İH Güngör, S Gür, RH Koca, A Çakır Cihangiroğlu, E Güler Ekmen, TC Acısu, N Badıllı, Ş Özer Kaya, A Yüce, M Sönmez, G Türk

Typology of Mixed Sheep and Goat Production System in the Regional Unit of Larissa, Greece

I Kaimakamis, V Dotas, D Gourdouvelis, L Chatzizisis, M Koidou

Vaginal cytology during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy of ewes

M Haq’qi Qobadi, M Goli, T Mohammadi, H Cheraghi

The effect of Vitamin C in the therapy of haemolactia in dairy cows

M Ninković, S Arsić, J Žutić, J Bojkovski, N Zdravković, N Panousis

Studying enterococci isolated from artisanal feta produced with mountain and low land milk

E Psomas, I Sakaridis, E Boukouvala, E Papatsaroucha, ED Apostolidi, T Skarlatoudi, LV Ekateriniadou, Georgios Samouris