Bd. 74 Nr. 2 (2023)
Case Report
Long-term observations of feline meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology: clinical, CSF, and MRI findings
T Yun, Y Koo, Y Chae, D Lee, J Park, M Son, H Kim, MP Yang, BT Kang
Strangles in a stallion in southeast Nigeria: clinical and pathological report
CC Okolo, AO Igwe, IC Ugochukwu, JN Omeke, DC Anyogu, KO Ogbuanya, NE Nweze, SVO Shoyinka
Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema due to Upper Airway Obstruction in Two Dogs
D Choi, MP Yang, BT Kang, M Choi, H Nam, Y Chae, Y Koo, T Yun, D Lee, H Kim
Eosinophilic Granulomatous Dermatitis Due to Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) Poisoning in a Holstein Cow
Y Eroksuz, E Polat, C Akdeniz Incili, B Karabulut, A Sagliyan, H Eroksuz
Research Articles
Thymoquinone attenuates doxorubicin-induced lung damage via heat shock proteins, inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum stress
E Öztürk, E Kaymak, AT Akin, D Karabulut, B Yakan
Investigation of the Bioactivity of Escin in Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Oxidative Stress
Altuğ KÜÇÜKGÜL, Mehmet Mustafa İşgör, Süleyman Ercüment Önel
Effects of organic acid treated legume forages on in vitro degradability values
V Palangi, M Macit, U Kilic
Physiological and Blood Response in Goat Kids Disbudding by Subcutaneous Injection of Eugenol and Cautery
M FarajliAbbasi, MM Molaei, H Sharifi, MM Oloumi, A Behzadi
Effect of hCG administration on ovulation and estrus in Saanen goats subjected to short-term estrus synchronization protocol during the breeding season
I Dogan, MB Toker, A Aktar, MM Yilmaz, D Udum
Prevalence of Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon spp. in Wild Birds in Hatay, Turkey
A Zerek, I Erdem, H Alakuş, M Yaman, ME Altuğ
Effect of the Nettle Essential Oil (Urtica dioica L.) on the Performance and Carcass Quality Traits in Broiler Chickens
Nettle essential oil in broilers diet
N Puvača, S Roljević Nikolić , E Lika, T Shtylla Kika , I Giannenas, N Nikolova, V Tufarelli, V Bursić
Investigation of Some Heavy Metal Resistance Genes in E.coli Isolated from Shrimp and Mussels
Heavy Metal Resistance in E.coli
B Celik, N Sipahi, I Kekec, B Halac
Expression of steroidogenic enzymes in placentome of ewes with pregnancy toxemia after two parturition induction methods
G Özalp, CT Ortaç , B Bozkurt, A Rişvanlı, A Aktar , A Yavuz, Y Korlu, İ Şeker
Effect of α-Tocopherol, Storage Temperature and Storage Time on Quality Characteristics and Oxidative Stability of Chicken Kavurma, traditional Turkish cooked meat product
B Nacak, A Dikici, N Yel, K Zaimoğulları, G İpek, M Özer
Characterization of Bovine Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Immunostaining of Differentiated Neurospheres
T Dikmen, Ö Özden Akkaya, S Nawaz, M Erdoğan
The The Efficacy of an Engineered Biocarbon in Young Broiler Chicken During an Aflatoxin Exposure
HO Bayir, C Ritz, J Fowler
Investigation of Serum allergen-specific IgE concentrations in feline asthma: a clinical experience
N Keskin Yılmaz, D Kahraman, H Albasan
Effects of estradiol, progesterone and kisspeptin-1 concentrations at the time of insemination on conception rates in cattle
S Kaya, C Kaçar, UC Arı, O Merhan, MC Demir, T Bekyürek, K Gürbulak
The effects of body weight and age on performance, egg quality, blood parameters, and economic production of laying hens
O Ekinci, N Esenbuga, V Dagdemir
Comparison of synchronisation protocols on pregnancy rate in dairy cows and heifers: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
P Ambarcioglu, D Mavridis, MO Yazlik, R Vural, MM Akcil Ok, S Gürcan
A study of biochemical changes in river buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) naturally infected with Anaplasma marginale
SM Jalali, AA Nikvand, D Gharibi, M Razi Jalali, M Yazdkhasti, F Kaviani
Detection of Schmallenberg virus antibody in equine population of Kurdistan province, west of Iran
S Mahdavi, M Salehzadeh, M Montazeri
Evaluation of Bursal Index and Bursal Lesion Scores in Broiler Flocks
A Zahedi, K Jamshidi, M Poorghasemi
Comparison of selected levels of serum elements / minerals in obese dogs
H Cihan, F Ateş , D Karış, M Tunca, NC Bozkurt, Ç Parkan Yaramış, B Bilgiç, ME Or
Review Articles
Dried Baby Formula as a Source of Opportunistic Members of Enterobacteriaceae for Infants
AS Ibrahim, M Fouad Saad , N Moustafa Hafiz
A Review on Recent Advancement in the Molecular Diagnostics of Leishmania
MT Aleem, A Shaukat, T ur-Rehman, J Hussain, HM Ali, MA Zaman, Z Saeed, RZ Abbas, A Ijaz, Z Shahid, M Mohsin, W Babar
Short Communication
Association between white line disease and sole ulcers with certain milk components in Simmental cows
M Ninković, J Žutić, S Arsić, N Zdravković, Z Zurovac Sapundžić, D Glišić, J Bojkovski, ND Giadinis, N Panousis
Vaginal bacteria of healthy cats during different stages of their oestrous cycle
A Maksimovic, M Nurkic, Z Maksimovic, M Rifatbegovic