Caecal dilatation and dislocation in 20 dairy cows. A retrospective study.

Publicado: Jan 18, 2024
Actualizado: 2024-01-18
I Proios
M Hoedemaker
E Kiossis

A total of 20 cows with caecal dilatation and dislocation were included in this retrospective study. The
aim of the study was to describe the findings of the initial clinical examination, the haematological, biochemical and
venous blood gas analysis as well as the therapeutic management and the surgical findings of these cases. A positive
simultaneous percussion and auscultation in the right flank as well as rectal palpation of the distended caecum were the
most common findings in 90% of the animals. Increased haematocrit, hyperlactateaemia and hyperglycaemia were the
most often occurring laboratory findings. Conservative treatment using neostigmine s.c. (0.025mg/kg) was successful
in three out of four cases. Surgical therapy including laparotomy in the right flank and typhlotomy was performed in
17 cases. Caecal dilatation (n=9), retroflexion (n=4) and torsion (n=4) were revealed intraoperatively. During surgery
in three cows, the caecum had filled once again with fluid content and typhlotomyhad to be repeated. Typhlectomy was
not necessary in any of these cows. A relaparotomy due to recurrence of the caecal disorder was not required in any
of the cases during hospitalisation. The postsurgical treatment included antibiotics, neostigmine in all cows and fluid
therapy in the majority of the animals. Laxative treatment using 250 g sodium sulphate twice daily per os was applied
in 10 cases. All cows were discharged from the clinic and returned to the farm.

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  • Research Articles
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