Greek Livestock Production: Problems and Future Prospectives

Σπ. Κυριακής

In this study, the problems and the prospects of the greek livestock production are discussed. It must be pointed out that the annual spendings in foreign exchange exceed 1 billion U.S. dollars in order to cover local needs for livestck products. Proposals are therefore made for a short term, progressive reduction in foreign exchange expenditures as well as for a long term self-powered sufficiency in animal feedstuffs to satisfy our country's needs.

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Εκδόσεις ΥΠ. ΓΕ: 1980-84
Ε.Σ.Υ.Ε.: 1980-84
Ζωοτεχνικά συγγράμματα και μελέτες: Ν. Κατσαούνη Τμ. Κτηνιατρικής Α.Π.Θ. 1974-83
Ζωοτεχνικές εκδόσεις: Γεωπονική Σχολή Α.Π.Θ. 1975-83
Ζωοτεχνικές εκδόσεις: Α.Γ.Σ. Αθηνών 1975-83
Ζωοτεχνικές μελέτες: Σπ. Κυριακή 1979-83
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