
Ανέστης Γιαννακόπουλος

The aim of the research was to study the position and role of physical education in the educational system during the dictatorship (1967-1974). We investigated if and whether affected in Physical Education (Gym) the dictatorship, changes and additions were attempted in the school programme, the role demanded by the teachers, the way they tried to shape and discipline the behavior of the students’. They were studied the main changes that occurred with the amendment of the Law 4379/64 and the educational reform of 1964, which were replaced with F.L. (Forced Law) 59/1967 (abrogation of the Pedagogical Institute, etc.) and the F.L. 129/1967 (organization - administration of General Education, restore the ancient Greek, purist etc.). By F.L. 375/68 was an attempt surveillance training with the establishment of the Supreme Education Council, supported by the Higher Regional Councils (educational regions). With LD (legislative Decree) 793/1971 established the "National Education Council" with purpose to study and formulate proposals for the educational policy of the country. The analysis and processing of the sources revealed that the regime tried in every way and means to control the school, as a production of knowledge and turn it into propaganda machine approach families and the wider community of students. Emphasis was placed on the diversity of gymnastics in the school with strong elements of discipline, partial militarization of the three students and cultivation of team spirit related to sports

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Ανέστης Γιαννακόπουλος, ΤΕΦΑΑ - ΔΠΘ



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