The Illeris' model of the three dimensions of learning through a poem and the technique "Interview by an expert"

Published: Jan 2, 2023
dimensions of learning internal barriers art Interview by an expert
Μαρία Χρήστου

In this article, a proposal is presented to delve into the three dimensions of learning, according to Illeris’ model (content, motivation, interaction with the environment of learning), through the critical approach of Nikiforos Vrettakos' poem "The Fourteen Children", combined with the educational technique "Interview by an expert". The trigger was the critical approach of this poem by the Self-Education Team of the Hellenic Adult Education Association in one of its online meetings in the year 2020 - 2021, which aim was to discuss about the way we learn. Firstly, we refer to the three dimensions involved in each learning process, according to Illeris’ model. In addition, the way which teachers deal with these dimensions is highlighted, taking into account the resistances that they may present when they face difficult educational conditions at schools where they work. Then, there is a reference to the contribution of art as a means of approaching theoretical issues, but also as a means of reflecting on the personal beliefs of the recipients. Afterwards, we present the topics highlighted by the members of the Self-Education Team regarding the three dimensions of learning, through the critical approach of Vrettakos’ poem, utilizing the technique of analyzing literary works of art by Antigoni Vlavianou. Then, using the educational technique "Interview by an expert", an attempt is made to deepen the aforementioned issues, through the personal experience of a retired teacher, who in the early 1960s experienced similar educational conditions to those described in the poem, as he told us in the interview he gave us. Discussion and conclusions follow.

This text could be a proposal of approaching theoretical issues in general, for all levels of education, with the corresponding adjustments and with the appropriate guidance from the teacher, taking into account the age and the experiences of the trainees. Without overlooking the importance of rendering a theoretical issue using the scientific terminology, at all levels of education and in adult education, we simultaneously propose the approach of the same theoretical issue through the critical approach of important works of art, with the appropriate technique, as well as through the utilization of the educational technique "Interview by an expert", which strengthens the consolidation of the theory and the deepening into it. Throughout this article, one gender is used, for the sake of economy of speech, without referring to any discrimination based on gender.


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