Unpublished letter of Metropolitan Anthmios of Smyrna to Friedrich Thiersch

Apostolos Karaoulas

The Epistle we found in the manuscript archives of the Bavarian State Library in Munich is part of the Philhellenic action, the period of the Modern Greek Enlightenment as well as the attempt to establish and organize of competent schools aiming at education and salvation homeland during the pre-revolutionary period. The epistle is signed by Metropolitan Anthimos of Smyrna bears the date of December 1, 1814 and it is addressed to Frederick Thersius as well as members of the Bavarian Academy. The Epistle is extensive and written in a scholarly style. The epistolologist quotes passages from Homer, Euripides and Plutarch as indirect and direct reductions with mythological content and with intense elements of ancient Greek literature and philosophy. It is a letter thank you and reply in a very detailed style. Anthimos pays consciously trying to impress its receiver. The contents of the epistle shows a man highly educated and cultured person and overall reminds her of a text from the ancient Greek Secretariat

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