Η γυναίκα εκπαιδευτικός στα σχολικά εγχειρίδια του μαθήματος των Νέων Ελληνικών της Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης, από το 1985 έως το 2018


The purpose of this research was to highlight, through the study, the stereotypically delimited position of the female educational presence, in the school textbooks of the Neohellenic Secretariat in Secondary Education, from 1985 to 2018. The study was based, among other things, on the historical record of Greek developments, from the beginning of the 21st century to 2018, as well as on the corresponding post-war scientific and intellectual creation, knowing the role they play in the writing of school textbooks and in the education of students /three. In addition, the Reforms in the field of Education, the textbooks, the education of women and their contribution to the field of education, their presence in the socio-political and cultural events during the aforementioned period, but also the European dimension of education, were investigated. as it derives from the "principle of subsidiarity", the Treaty of Maastricht (1987) up to the Treaty of Lisbon (2007). The object of the research were forty-two (42) school textbooks of the Neohellenic Secretariat and didactic packages (Thematic Cycles - Workbooks), of the Directorate of Periodical Publishing, of the time period 1985-2018. The final "image"-conclusion crystallized from the researched material was the imperceptible presence of the female teacher and where there was a weak and marginalized presence, the "myth" of gender stereotyped characteristics was revealed. Also, in the texts she was presented as an intratextual protagonist, they concerned newer multimodal texts (newspapers, biographical notes, student magazines and school announcements), which were mainly anthologized, in school textbooks from 2000 onwards. They were characterized by the fact that the majority of them were textbooks of Modern Greek Language, while the Texts of Modern Greek Literature lagged behind in terms of the above elements with more conservative presentations at all levels of female teachers. Additionally, it is noteworthy that the anthologized material remains the same, apart from some revisions of the textbooks from 2006 onwards, based on the imperatives of European education policy, where the need to renew the content of school textbooks, and the contribution of teachers, was strongly presented as bearers of socio-ideological standards, for the essential promotion of equality and the renewal of the Analytical Programs which is seen, however, they did not succeed in their expected contribution to the promotion of gender equality in the educational process.



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