Μελέτη της γλώσσας στην παιδική λογοτεχνία μέσα από τη γλωσσολογική ανάλυση του παιδικού αφηγήματος "Ο Λύκος ξαναγύρισε" (G. Pennart) Η γλώσσα μιας μικροαφήγησης μέσα από τη γλωσσολογική ανάλυσή της

Published: Jan 2, 2025
children's narrative, linguistic analysis,
Ελπίς Τοκμακίδου

This study is a continuation of a previous attempt in the direction of a global approach to a literary text, such as Geoffroy de Pennart's work entitled "The wolf has returned" (translated into Greek by G. Papadopoulos and C. Boulotis), offered to preschool and primary school children. It was preceded by its examination in terms of narrative structure and illustration, while this proposal aspires to highlight elements of the variety and complexity of literary language, which its creator (author and illustrator) uses to present a text in its entirety.

The analysis focuses this time on language use and utilization of various combinations of the basic linguistic elements, highlighting the creative dimension of the production of words, sentences and text. Although the importance of a unified approach to the linguistic phenomenon is recognized, as it is presented in the texts of the New Curricula and its corresponding Guides for the language course, this study follows a reverse course, maintaining the multidimensional character of the corresponding approach.

The linguistic analysis of the text concerns the investigation of its linguistic form, which is attempted based on the levels of analysis of the written language and specifically through the examination of the type of letters chosen and the phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical / semantic research, combined with the examination of the existence of textual, communicative and factual parameters encountered in this version of contemporary literary production. The approach to the structure and content of micro-narrative is divided into two sections where, in addition to research data and corresponding observations on any deviations from the formal structure, the theoretical framework on which the relevant research was based is submitted, with references to the relationship between linguistics-literature and the levels of linguistic analysis-children's literature.

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