New evidence for the Greek typograghy of the period 1828­-1832. The correspondence between the President John Capodistrias and the printing house Firmin Didot Frères

Published: Apr 22, 2019
Typography President John Capo distrias

ing the unpublished correspondence between the President John Capo distrias and the printing house Firmin Didot Frères, notably the Ambroise Firmin Didot, new evidence is presented on how and with what material the Government Printing was equipped. It is underlined that Capodistrias’ care to control what was published in Greece was a part of his centralized policy. Emphasis is given in the intention of A. F. Didot to establish a bookstore in Greece and in his advice for the creation of a paper mill in it. Both the correspondents comment on politi cal events in Greece (mainly the acts of the opponents to the Greek Govern ment’s policy) and on the changes occurred in France by the July Revolution.

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