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Methodology of qualitative research in social sciences and interviews .

Ευφροσύνη-Άλκηστη Παρασκευοπούλου-Κόλλια
In this article the main reasons according to which a researcher selects the qualitative methodology, and more specifically interviews, are analysed. The types of interviews, but also the differences concerning their definition-nomenclature depending on the scientist who refers to them are mentioned. Moreover, those elements that a researcher is supposed to have, in order to conduct research using data and material –which is the outcome of the interviews-, are presented. Furthermore an
attempt is made for the problems with which the researcher comes confronted are described; the problems are usually comprised of the scientific “isolation” and the uncertain factor of chance. Issues of deontology, that always charge the research,
which has ethical rules that should be followed, are also touched upon. In the end the value which is associated with both the personalities of the researcher and the subjects is enlightened and simultaneously the value of narrations, due to which the research is substantially fulfilled.
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Ευφροσύνη-Άλκηστη Παρασκευοπούλου-Κόλλια
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