The dream and Other’s desire: A lacanian approach of the Freudian dreams interpretation

Published: Oct 15, 2020
Dream Interpretation Wish Desire Enjoyment Other Fulfilling Linking Freud Lacan
Γιώργος Δημητριάδης

he lacanian concepts of Other’s desire as well as enjoyment (jouissance) provide an answer to questions posed by Freud himself as regards his view that dreams are a “satisfaction of a repressed wish in disguise”. Freud tried to relativize this view in several of his texts. One way to do this is the function of linking drive stimulations with the upper layers of
the psychic organ (diagnosed by Freud clearly in 1920) which he considered more primordial to the satisfaction of wish, especially in dreams that are incited by traumatic events. Provided though, that daily
residues (which according to Freud take part in the instigation of dreams) are anyhow of a traumatic nature – to the extent it bears something of the enigma of the Other’s desire and the enjoyment (jouissance) – the association of the two functions of dreams (linking and wish satisfaction) according to Freud is made possible. Thus the function of dreams, whether from the aspect of “linking” or that of “satisfaction”, has to do with the enigma of the Other’s desire and Other’s enjoyment and mainly with the way the dream finds through the encoding it creates with its formations (of metaphoric or metonymic nature) to provide “answer” to the enigmatic Other’s desire. This, however is an answer, which on the one hand always leaves a remainder (one would say something to be desired) and on the other hand may provide a failure as in the case of anxious dreams and even more in nightmares, in which Other’s enjoyment becomes a threat. This view has clinical consequences for the psychoanalytic act regarding dreams.

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