Social values of juvenile delinquents: An exploratory study

The present, exploratory, study aims to investigate the social values of juvenile delinquents under the light of the social values theory proposed by S. Schwartz. Its main objectives are: First, to examine the structure of social values of juvenile delinquents. Second, to highlight possible relations between social values priorities and a number of demographic variables such as gender, educational level and type of crime. For this reason juvenile delinquents (N = 130) which are under probation completed a self-reported questionnaire composed of the Social Values Survey (SVS, Schwartz, 1992) and a form of demographic data. Smallest space analysis revealed 10 distinct value types, equivalent to those proposed by Schwartz’s model. Value types of benevolence, hedonism and self-direction were found to be of highest priority, whereas value types such as power and tradition were found to be the less guiding principles in our participants’ lives. Statistically significant differences were detected with respect to gender and not with respect to educational level and type of crime. In every case the prioritization of value types was the same. This particular finding taken together with relative findings regarding social values in Greece pinpoints that juvenile delinquents share common values and value priorities with non delinquents of similar age.
Article Details
- How to Cite
Λαμπρίδης Ε., & Δελαβέκουρα Α. (2020). Social values of juvenile delinquents: An exploratory study. Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 20(2), 121–135.
- Issue
- Vol. 20 No. 2 (2013)
- Section

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