Imitation and autism: a discussion of contemporary theoretical approaches

Published: Oct 15, 2020
Imitation Autism Difficulties in imitation
Μαρία Α. Κυπριωτάκη
Μαρία Ε. Μαρκοδημητράκη

In recent years, there has been some progress and increasing scientific interest in issues regarding autism. Several theories have been developed to explain the basic symptoms and back supportive intervention techniques. In the present article, we will attempt to define the terms imitation and autism and summarize the basic theories related to them. Moreover, we will focus on, summarize and discuss the difficulties children with autism have in with imitation and present findings of the most recent research which explore the development of imitation skills in children with autism. This article identifies and highlights the absence of consensus regarding issues of imitation in autism and the lack of longitudinal naturalistic studies which could give us a more accurate picture about the development of imitation skills in children with autism. We conclude that there is an obvious need for further research that will deepen our knowledge upon this matter.

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