Families with mentally retarded members: Types of perceived parents' needs

Published: Oct 15, 2020
Family Mental retardation Parents Needs
Ιωάννης Παξινός
Ειρήνη Ξανθοπούλου

The purpose of this study was to describe the perceived needs of family with children with mental retardation and to analyze the relationship between the type and number of needs to participants’ demographic characteristics. Sixty seven parents participated in the study and answered the questionnaire in the form of structured interviews. Results showed that parents expressed more needs about information, social support and psychosocial services. We found that elder parents reported more needs than younger parents. Parents with younger children reported fewer needs for social support and services compared to those with older children. Τhe findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the improvement of the existing and planning for the development of better family support frameworks.

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