“Staying home without screens”: qualitative research on the abstention from digital devices of young adults during the Covid-19 lockdown

Published: Feb 5, 2022
Covid-19 digital device emotions lockdown young adults
Anthi Sidiropoulou
The aim of the present study was to qualitatively examine the emotions of young adults during the implementation period of the restrictive measures due to Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, participants took part in a task of abstention from digital devices for one day during the aforementioned period. Thirty-two participants kept a diary in which they would keep track of their feelings, thoughts, mood swings and activities during the period of social distancing and, furthermore, during the day of the abstention task. Among the most important findings, through the extensive qualitative records, was the return to the family home, moving away from friends and the sudden interruption of most of their creative activities and pastimes. Fear, stress, uncertainty and anger are some of the most dominant emotions expressed by young adults. During the abstention task, participants’ descriptions are filled with emotional details and thoughts. They describe the alternative activities they came up with in order to handle being away from the digital devices. The task of abstention led to the emergence of positive feelings during and after the completion of the task and to the detection of psychological “breaking points” during the day at which the use of digital devices was described almost as a necessity. The research findings reveal fine psychological procedures that underline the relationship between users and their digital devices, especially in times of crisis and destabilization of daily life. These findings can be used in the development of media literacy programs.
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