From one country to another: adversities and beneficial adaptation. Experiences of refugee children

Published: Jul 21, 2022
Refugees adversities children displacement resilience protective factors
Iraklis Grigoropoulos
Maria Ntova

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the adversities encountered by refugee children and the factors promoting healthy adaptation (protective factors- resilience) to new living circumstances. Understanding the experience of each individual refugee is particularly important for policy making (not only for health concerns) in the context of displacement. A qualitative methodology was used. Fifteen (15) students (seven girls and eight boys) who followed an integration program at a Greek primary school in a region of central Macedonia participated. Their ages ranged from 6 to 12 years. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and processed with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The systematic analysis of the narratives resulted in 3 central themes and their sub-themes, which lead to a meaningful experience of the children involved. Overall, the analysis of the data highlighted the fact that moving to a new country made the children of this research subject to intense experiences against which their personal potential played an important role.

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