Stigma and attitudes toward mental help seeking: the example of military environment

Published: Oct 15, 2020
Self-stigma Public stigma Seeking mental help Military environment
Βάσια Ιγνατίου Καραμανώλη

The aim of this review is to examine α.the attitudes toward mental help seeking and the willingness to ask for mental help, b. self and public stigma experienced by seeking psychological help, in general population and in particular how all this are experienced by the military personnel. General features for each of the variables are examined, the more often measures are used, the main factors which are involved in the procedure of seeking mental help and correlated with each other, are discussed. Even if military personnel experience psychological problems avoid seeking mental help in order not to confront self and public stigma from seeking psychological help.implications for new research on how the fear toward help seeking could be diminished are discussed.

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