Call for papers. Special Issue: Digital Literary Studies


The journal Σύγκριση/Comparaison/Comparison has closely followed over time the debates in literary humanities and arts studies around the world and seeks to contribute to their development. In this vein, its next issue (34) will be devoted to Digital Literary Studies. It aims at exploring in a transdisciplinary direction the expanding use of digital tools and methods in literary creation, reading, study and dissemination, reflecting on existing digital methods and practices and the tools that support them and suggesting new perspectives on the development of digital literary studies.

This special issue seeks to examine the ways in which digital means influence literary creation and literary studies, with reference to the transformations of the writing, rewriting, reading and dissemination of literary works, as well as of literary research, with particular focus to the interpretative, added value of the use of digital tools in the analysis of literature. It emphasizes, but is not limited to, research on modern Greek literature in its relation to other literatures and arts. Given the possibilities offered by digital means, it considers important to invite contributions with an intercultural, multicultural, medial and/or intermedial perspective that are relevant to topics not adequately studied so far.

Articles submitted must be original and unpublished and may cover one or more of the following topics, the list of which is by no means exclusive:

- Theoretical and methodological premises of research 

- Electronic literature

- Multimodal and transmedia writing

- Translation and rewriting of new literary forms and genres

- Transformation of reading practices

- Code, algorithms and critical approaches

- Modelling in DLS

- Corpora

- Digital editions

- Digital archives

- Textual databases

- Text annotation

- Text analysis

- Artificial intelligence and literary research

- Visualization techniques

- Collaborative writing and research

- Publication and dissemination of research

- Digital Pedagogy


Submission languages: Greek, English, French, Italian

Paper length: up to 10,000 words (including notes, bibliographical references excluded).

Articles should be submitted exclusively through the journal's platform and must follow the journal's Author Guidelines as published on the same platform.