The image of America in the 19th century Greek Literature. Between utopia and the exotic

Έρη Σταυροπούλου

This article is focused on the image of America as it is projected in the 19 th century Greek prose. According to my research this image is based on distance and cultural differences. Taking into account historical and political factors and also a variety of publications in the Greek press ofthat period I conclude that the main aspect about America is that of a «western type» exoticism. The exotic incorporates the primitive (when it is about American Indians) and a new spirit of democracy and equality which is unusual for the Europeans. After discussing novels and short stories by A.R. Rangavis, I. Pitzipios, P. Kalligas, A. Papadiamantis, A. Moraitidis, A. Eftaliotis and others, it can be assumed that Greek prose ofthat period did not give us a comprehensive picture of America, while it also avoided to create naive stereotypes of the people living there. On the contrary, a type of hero that has thrived in Greek literature is that of the Greek emigrant to America, who tries to combine the traditional greek way of living with the attitude of life according to the American dream.

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