The "Naïas" ofA.R. Rangavis, the "Tamango" of Prosper Mérimée and the Missionary Propaganda for the Liberation of Negros

Γεωργία Δράκου

One of the filological issues concerned with Alexandras Rizos Ragavis's short stories is whether they are original or derivative. This study propose to explore the sources of Ragavis's «Η Ναϊάς» (1848), a short story about the negro slave-trade in African coasts during the 19th century.

The probable model for «Η Ναϊάς» is «Tamango» (1890), a short story by Prosper Merimée. However, Ragavis tackle the issue of slavery from a perspective different from that of Mérimée. Ragavis's angle in matters both of ideology and narrative is that of 19th century missionary literature propagandised the abolition of slavery. Thus, Ragavis's short story could be a case study for the exploration of multiple links connected Ragavis's prose with European literature.
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