Eκπαιδευτική ταινία «ΕνεργητικΑδρανείς»: Πως το βίωμα γεννά τη μάθηση και την ενσυναίσθηση ( στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος της Νεοελληνικής Γλώσσας της Γ Λυκείου)

Published: Mar 31, 2022
educational film experiential learning Modern greek language empathy politicization
Κωνσταντίνα Πυρίδου
Αλιβίζος (Λοΐζος) Σοφός

The outbreak of coronavirus in December 2019 has brought many countries - and within them ours - faced with a new, unquestionably unprecedented reality. Covid-19 disease was originally a health shock to quickly turn into an unprecedented social shock. In any case, the daily over-exposure to the relentless regime of the global spread of the virus and, consequently, the familiarity with the news that would not be an exaggeration to claim that it was associated with images of death, but also the feeling of captivity - Due to home confinement - and the consequent adjustment of our daily lives, they force us to reflect on our tense mental state as a formative factor in the process of social transformation that will follow, after the end of the pandemic, in the public sphere of the 21st century. The educational film EnergeticAndrees is an attempt to approach the emotional dimension of our daily lives. Educationally, it aims at informing, emotionally engaging and empowering learners.

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