Κριτήρια Ποιότητας Βίντεο για τα Μαζικά Ανοικτά Διαδικτυακά Μαθήματα (MOOCs)

Published: Jun 27, 2023
MOOCs ΜΑΔΜ εκπαιδευτικά βίντεο κριτήρια ποιότητας διαδικτυακά μαθήματα
Στέφανος Γιασιράνης
Αλιβίζος (Λοΐζος) Σοφός
Απόστολος Κώστας

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) emerged in 2008 to democratize higher education by offering free access to learning to everyone. The main learning material in MOOCs are short videos, which contribute to their successful completion, as one of the main problems of MOOCs is the very high non-completion rates. A prerequisite for this is that the videos are of high quality, as a quality video contributes to the achievement of learning objectives and is positively judged by the learners. This paper presents the results of a literature review conducted to collect and group together those criteria that characterize a video as qualitative. Fifty quality indicators were identified, which were grouped into 3 axes and 5 categories.  These indicators can be used both when designing a MOOC course and for evaluating the videos included in such a program.

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