Teachers’ education and training in the field of the 4th industrial revolution

Published: Jul 20, 2022
4th industrial revolution, training, teachers
Konstantinos Zogopoulos
Labrina Gioti

The purpose of this research is to investigate the perceptions of Secondary Education teachers in the Region of Western Greece of training in the light of the 4th industrial revolution. The research data were collected from 422 teachers with the quantitative method and the use of a questionnaire. The results of the research show that the secondary education teachers of the sample have low level of knowledge about the 4th industrial revolution, whereas they consider that training on issues related to the field of the 4th industrial revolution is important for their work. The university is considered to be the best institution for organizing training seminars. Also, teachers think that training should be optional, should last six months and should be implemented with the use of blended learning method (synchronous - asynchronous actions with a limited number of face-to-face sessions). The main training topics should be the new technologies and their use in education. Finally, there is a positive correlation between the demographic characteristics of the sample and the teachers' perceptions of the 4th industrial revolution and their training needs.

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