Can Facebook be used as an effective educational environment?

Αυτόματον 2.2: Νεότητα και Ψηφιακή Εμπειρία
Published: Sep 24, 2023
social media facebook pedagogical context cognitive development emotional aspects of learning
Tsampika Karakiza

After the rapid growth and use of digital social media and the involvement of young people with them, the question arose whether social media, and particularly Facebook, can be an effective educational tool for students, apart from being a means of communication and entertainment. The research was carried out for one school year in two secondary schools, with the participation of 100 students and four teachers, who used Facebook as an educational environment in which they organized and implemented their teaching. The data collected were approached qualitatively and the conclusion that emerged is that the Facebook platform can, under certain conditions, function as an effective educational environment, with the appropriate design and the necessary didactic contextualization. That leads to the creation of a dynamic learning community, where the cognitive engagement of students is increased, the emotional aspect of teaching and learning is enhanced and new types of competences are formed for both students and teachers.


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