The Relationship of Social Media Use with Athletes Personal and Sports Knowledge

Published: Sep 16, 2024
social networking and personality social networking and sport competitive confidence and social networking social networking and sport competition anxiety
Mariela Ntaikou
Petros Roussos
Maria Psychountaki

The purpose of this work is to study the relationship of the use of social media (s.m) with the personal and sports characteristics of athletes. The purpose of the work is, also, to identify any possible differences in terms of the use of the Social Media depending on their demographic characteristics. 219 athletes, male and female, participated in the research and four questionnaires were administered to collect the data. The results identified that conscientiousness and neuroticism are related, with a weak link, to the use of the s.m. The above personal characteristics are linked to the Five Factors personality theory and are considered resistant to time and place. It was also appeared that the use of the s.m do not explain the variation in competitive anxiety and sports self-confidence of the athletes. In addition, the use of s.m did not differ by the age of the athletes, while it appeared to differ by gender, with men reporting higher use than women. Finally, statistically significant differences emerged between the athletes competing at the local, national, international and Olympic level. It appeared that athletes of international competitive level make more use of the s.m.

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