New Evidence on the Dedicatory Inscriptions (13th century) in the Church of Hagioi Theodoroi, Ano Poula, Inner Mani

Published: Feb 3, 2016
Late-Byzantine period 13th century wall paintings dedicatory inscriptions donor portraits donor monk Kyriake donor monk Euthymios Lekousas Mani Ano Poula church of Hagioi Theodoroi at Ano Poula
Panayotis Stam. KATSAFADOS

The present study examines the donor portraits and dedicatory inscriptions in the church of Hagioi Theodoroi, Ano Poula, inner Mani, summarizing what has been published to date and contributing new information based on the author’s fieldwork. The new material includes the main dedicatory inscription (13th century) and the depiction of the named donor.

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