Nuova proposta interpretativa e ricostruzione cronologica del complesso paleocristiano di Soloi

Published: Aug 4, 2017
Late Antiquity Early Christian Architecture Martyrion holy relics holy water saint Auxibios Cyprus (Soloi).

New interpretation and redating of the episcopal complex of Soloi

The aim of this study is the reconstruction of the chronological phases of the episcopal complex of Soloi and a new interpretation for the architectural remains, that pre-existed the construction of the two chronologically successive basilicas, the five aisled (second half of the 5th century) and three aisled basilica (second half of the 6th century). These early remains (4th – mid-5th century), which are strictly related with the presence of water, seem to be associated with the underground chamber, probably the place where St. Auxibius was buried. They can therefore be identified as its Martyrion.

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