New evidence on imported ceramics in the Aegean: islamic pottery in the Byzantine Mesa Mani, pottery from the Crimea in Venetian Crete .

Published: Aug 4, 2021
Middle-Byzantine period Early Venetian period bacini glazed pottery Crimea Sicily Ifrīqiya the Peloponnese Crete.
Αναστασία Γ. ΓΙΑΓΚΑΚΗ (Anastasia G. YANGAKI)
Through the study of immured vessels, specific categories of glazed ceramics are identified and discussed. A brief reference to vessels from Egypt and North Africa or Sicily, located in churches in the area of the Mesa Mani during the 11th c., sets the background. The main research focuses largely on the import to Crete, mainly during the 15th c., of glazed ceramics from regions of the South Crimea and explores aspects of their circulation on the island.
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