Icônes portatives de la deuxième moitié du XIVe siècle au monastère de la Grande Lavra au Mont Athos

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Late Byzantine period portable icons 14th century monastery of Great Lavra painting workshops Constantinople Thessaloniki Mount Athos

Portable Icons of the second half of the 14th century at the Monastery of Great Lavra on Mount Athos

This article examines five portable icons from the monastery of Great Lavra on Mount Athos, the icon of St. George, dated approximately around 1360-1370, two icons of the third quarter of the 14thcentury, the icon of St. Athanasios the Athonite and the icon of Christ Pantokrator, and two of the last quarter of the same century, the panel icon of the Virgin from the Annunciation and the bema doors with the same scene, i.e. the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin. Of this ensemble, all of which are among the finest examples of the Palaiologan art, three of them can be attributed to Constantinople and the other two to Thessaloniki.

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